Membership is open to all parents, carers and citizens within the school community with an annual membership fee of $1.00.
Click here 2023 Membership Form to download a copy of the membership form. Place your completed membership form and $1.00 in a sealed envelope and send it into the front office for collection by the Secretary.
P&C Meetings
P&C meetings are a place to find out what is happening in the school, gain a better understanding about curriculum, school policies and activities, make a comment, raise a concern, ask a question and get to know other parents.
Our P&C meets on the fourth Thursday of the month during school terms in the school library at 6.30pm.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in March where all Executive Committee positions become vacant.
2023 Meeting Dates
23 February
23 March - AGM
27 April
25 May
22 June
27 July
24 August
28 September
26 October
23 November